International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, United Kingdom ISSN 2348-0386
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Special issue on
Economy &
Sustainable Development
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About the Special issue: The value of sustainable development is vital in the development of socio-cultural perspectives of economies across the globe. Central Asian Region, Uzbekistan as whole, is going through transition to become more market-oriented economy to ensure equitable distribution of growth between regions and to maintain infrastructure and social services. The country’s policy goals and priorities are mainly to increase the efficiency of infrastructure, especially through modernization of services and diversification of the sub-sectors. It is believed that the contribution of mentioned sectors will be significant in the advancement of living standards and the way of lifestyle in the future. This specific issue accumulated and illustrates how business horizon and economic fields are established in the Central Asian Region with the special stress on Uzbekistan’s current economic status quo. In this context, the general purpose of this special issue is to undertake a review on the need of overview of socio-economic analyses and with the specific purposes describing and existing experience gained from special studies, which are related to sustainability of the economy. In the final exploration, it identifies major drawbacks and conclusions as an approach to further explore the existing body of knowledge on the sustainable development of Uzbekistan, for the further investigation.
About the Guest Editorial Team:
Lead Guest Editor: Dilbar Aslanova, Professor, Samarkand Institute of economics and service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Guest Editor: Obidjon Khamidov, Professor, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
Guest Editor: Farkhod Ahrorov, PhD, Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Uzbekistan
Guest Editor: Sergio Ramos – Ramos, PhD, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Guest Editor: Bobur Sobirov, Master, Samarkand Institute of economics and service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
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