International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, United Kingdom ISSN 2348-0386

International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management (IJECM ISSN 2348-0386) is inviting proposals for special issues (authors’ guidelines remain same as that for regular issues For this Journal is inviting qualified academicians and researchers from the relevant area, for Lead Guest Editorship.

Brief responsibilities of a Lead Guest Editor:
• Decide exact theme of the special issue in relevant area.
• Suggest a timeline and schedule for the release of special issue articles to Managing Editor.
• Identify 1 or 2 Guest Editors for the special issue.
• Invite quality articles for the proposed special issue.
• Carry out all communications with potential authors and reviewers concerning author guidelines for manuscript preparation and reviewing.
• Coordinate with the Managing Editor to be appointed by the Chief Editor

Interested academicians/ researchers may send their CV along with a “preliminary proposal” to
Preliminary proposal on special issue must include, apart from info you think will be important:
1. Tentative theme
2. Tentative name and affiliations of Guest Editor(s)

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